- Increase organization membership by 10%
- Increase inactive members at our chapter meeting through participation by 10%
- Track and increase members event participation by 10% per quarter.
- Recognition of member/ local participants being awarded scholarships within a fiscal year.
- Increase awareness of GIAD by 50%.
- Track donation by %. Not numbers.
- Track demographics –careers.
- Networking & professional development
- Leveraging knowledge, experience and strength of members
- Aviation training and development opportunities
- Community Outreach –reaching out to our youth
- Providing mentorship
- Inspire
- Promote
- Educate
- Awareness
- Leslie Lane – President
- Tiffania Fayall – Vice President
- Jennifer Griffin – Secretary
- Jennifer Bryant – Treasure
- Larsen Fralix & Katrina LeShore – Communications / Social Media
- POSITION OPEN – Special Coordinator
- Membership – Joan Gambrell
- Public and Community Relations – Kelley Pitts
If interested please reply by email wapalmettopride@gmail.com by Feb. 3, 2020 by 5pm. The Board will select and present new board member at the next Chapter Meeting Feb 27, 2020.
- The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for communicating events to the Palmetto Pride Chapter that meet our criteria. They will also coordinate events, volunteers and help facilitate activities and meetings. Approx. 5- 10 hours /month
- Thank you for applying to the 2020 WAI scholarships. All scholarship sponsors will have access to your applications for review by the week of December 9, 2019. Each scholarship committee will have until January 31, 2020, to select winners and will notify them directly.
- A total of $948,500 of scholarship funds were awarded in 2019, including an additional $73,000 in June from an anonymous contributor. This brings the total scholarships awarded since 1995 to over $12 million.
- Palmetto Pride Chapter #91 will be awarding a $500 scholarship at the next Chapter meeting.
To apply you will need to be a member of our chapter in WAI. We will require a resume, & a 500-word essay as to why you should be awarded the $500 scholarship. This scholarship can be used toward aviation training, simulator time, books, etc. We need to know where and how the funds and will coordinate with the awardee. Email to wapalmettopride@gmail.com by Feb. 21st. No age limit.