Ozobot Donation Program
Ozobot is happy that educators want to work to close the technology gap for Black students!
You can apply to receive an Ozobot Classroom Kit by filling out the form below.  
Eligibility Requirements:

1. Your school has a majority (50%+) Black student population
2. Full-time employment (or considered at least 0.75 FTE) by a public school, public charter school or the Office of Head Start.
3. You’re an educator or other faculty member whose main responsibility is to directly teach students or train other educators.
4. The students you work with are within the range of grades K-12
5. You’re in charge of creating your own lesson plans (or equivalent in a non-classroom role), and not primarily assisting another lead teacher.

*Educators and other faculty can include (but aren’t limited to): classroom teachers, subject-area teachers, librarians, STEM/STEAM teachers, etc. 

If your school is selected, Ozobot will ask you to provide an update/feedback on:
* How you are using your Ozobot Classroom Kit with your students
* How Ozobot can improve learning opportunities for Black students

Please note: If your school is selected, Ozobot will email you at your school email address.
Donations will be made monthly, they will keep your application on file and consider it in the months that follow, so there is no need to re-apply. CLICK HERE TO APPLY